Jeonju Hanok Village

Jeonju Hanok Village, the most Korean city

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Place where you can enjoy natural cuisine with culinary traditions
I was a specialist in Pyebaek (one of Korean wedding customs) foods and traditional liquor. While exploring a variety of Korean foods, I wanted to serve palatable dishes to those traveling in Jeonju Hanok Village. I consider cooking as an art form. I am always thinking about how to make my meals as visually appealing as they are tasty and healthy. I am grateful when I see people eat happily. I would like to recommend Sogogi Jeongol (beef hot pot), Beoseot Jeongol (mushroom hot pot), and Bugeo Guk (dried pollack soup). Using organic vegetables from my garden and not over-seasoning, I strive to help my customers experience the flavors of each ingredient. Older adults often give me compliments, saying that my recipes remind them of their mother. I hope you will also stay comfortable at Wujeonjae and feel like visiting your grandma’s house.

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